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It doesn't matter which you use as the numerator or denominator in a unit conversion calculation as long as you get your units straight. For example, if you use 1 inch is 2.54 centimeters:

You can write is as:

1 inch / 2.54 centimeters = x inches / y centimeters

and do either of the following:

  • You can plug in your known value for x and solve for Y
  • You can plug in your known value for Y and solve for X

You can also write it as:

2.54 centimeters / 1 inch = Y centimeters / X inches

and do either of the following:

  • You can plug in your known value for x and solve for Y
  • You can plug in your known value for Y and solve for X

This would work for any unit conversion as long as you know the conversion rule.

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Well, numerators and denominators are not involved in unit conversion.

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Q: When converting units into another unit how do you know which one to use as the denominator?
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The denominator must contain the unit that you wish to cancel in the numerator of the other number.

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We don't have enough time, or space to write it in.

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The denominator is the place value of the last number. For example, 0.3 = 3/10 because the 3 is in the tenths place. In another example, 0.79 = 79/100 because the 9 is in the hundredths place. In another example, 0.457 = 457/1000 because the 7 is in the thousandths place.

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To answer this question we would need to know the units you are converting the 9.22 from such as inches. Also we need to know if 9.22 and 103 are separate.

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