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Volcanic activity. It was most likely created by a long-lived plume of rising mantle material that bulged the surface upward. This provided the molten rock for the eruptions which built the volcano.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Olympus Mons is a massive volcano on Mars. The reason it is so big is that Mars has a very thick crust. While mars was geologically active, pressure would build up over a long period of time before it was great enough to break through the crust, so when it did, the resulting volcanoes were much more powerful than they are on Earth. Because our crust is thinner, we have more volcanoes, but they are smaller.

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12y ago

It is thought to have last erupted 40 to 45 million years ago

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13y ago

It was tought to have formed about the same time as when the earth did.

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11y ago

What caused all of Olympus Mon's eruptions was the stress that built up in Mars that was released in a volcanic eruption.

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12y ago

100 Million years old

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10y ago

what kind of vocanao is Olympus mons

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Q: How old is mountain Olympus mons on mars?
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