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There is no specific time as to when muslim males wear prayer hats; however it is most common during the time of recitation of the Qur'an and during the performing of Salaah (obligatory prayers offered 5 times a day)

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No rules and/or requirement per Islam religion to wear a cap bu Muslim men. It is up to you own choice to wear a cap on head and mostly done when being in mosque.

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What does the cap that Muslim men wear symbolize?

The cap that Muslim men wear is called a turban. It is a type of wrapped head covering. Muslim men wear it as a religious symbol of their faith. Many Muslim men choose to wear green, because it represents paradise.

What is a koofiyah?

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Where would a Muslim wear a tarboosh?

Mainly in Turkey and Morocco. However, Taroosh (head cap) is not an Islamic requirement for men to wear. It is due to specific countries traditions and practice.

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Bottles have necks but no head, and wear a cap.

Do Muslim girls wear head scarves when they get their period?

They wear Hijab or head scarf irrelevant they are in their period or not.

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What do people think about Muslim women wearing the head gear?

Most Muslim women in the world do not wear headgear. However, no restriction on Muslim women to wear head gears for warmth and/or fashion. However, Muslim woman is required by religion to wear cloth covering all her body, including her head and her hair, except her face and her hands. The piece of cloth covering her head and hair is called Hijab. She is allowed to wear on top of the Hijab the head gear or to have the head gear as part of the Hijab.

What is the women head wear called?

The head scarfs Muslim women wear is called a hijab they wear it so people would respect them for their knowledge not as an object.

Can a Muslim woman wear her head covering in a public classroom?


What do Muslims wear on their head when they pray?

Women where hijabs.

Do Muslims wear a turban?

No because it is actually attached to a Muslim's head. Is bull and silly. Turbans are part of Sikh and Hindu beleave's however some Muslims were skull cap type things don't know what there called though.

Why do Muslims wear cap on their head while doing prayer?

It is Sunnah to cover your head when you are praying and that was a way of showing respect in the old days and even now days where I live wearing "ghutra" is considered a respectful thing to wear in front of older people and ministers and such. also its not a must do in prayers. :) Answer: Covering the head, like many things in Islam, paralells things in Jewish Law. It has always been a sign of humility and modesty. Uncovering the head, on the other hand, has always been a sign of vanity and pride. The Prophet Muhammad covered his head and recommended it to his followers.