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Many types of whales migrate, with the timing being different depending on the species of the whale. Some seem to migrate to warmer waters in the winter, while others migrate when they are ready to give birth.

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9y ago
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11y ago

The humpback males are said to migrate every year, in the winter months, heading down (if north hemisphere) and up (if southern hemisphere) to breeding grounds to mate. Females may go if they wish to become pregnant, or if about to give birth from mating the year before. Southern Hemisphere migration season is opposite that of northern.

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12y ago

Each October, as the northern ice pushes southward, small groups of gray whales in the eastern Pacific start a two to three-month, 8,000-11,000 kilometers trip south. Traveling night and day, the gray whale averages approximately 120 kilometers per day at an average speed of 8 kilometers per hour. This round trip of 16,000-22,000 kilometers is believed to be the longest annual migration of any mammal

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15y ago

They don't migrate but are on the move every day of there life!

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12y ago

i dunno look on another site cuz this one ain't gonna help.

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6y ago

Some have been shown to migrate to follow the herring. Others migrate to warmer waters for a "spa day" to shed some shin.

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13y ago

yes. all whales do

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Q: What time of year do whales migrate?
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Where do whales migrate from?

Whales migrate in a loop over time. They migrate back a forward between several places.

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Whales do the same thing every month.But, every year they migrate.

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Humpback whales migrate every year. This is similar to every other whales. They usually migrate to either the Arctic or Antarctic regions for food then migrate to around the equator where they breed.

What kind of whales migrate to have birth?

Gray whales and hump back whales migrate to have birth.

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Blue whales migrate. They cannot hibernate as they would drown. Whales sleep by switching off one side of the brain at a time.

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There is no ocean that has the most whales all year. Because whales migrate, at certain times of the year the Indian ocean or the Southern ocean will have the most whales. The most species of whales are found in the Southern ocean.

Why do grey whales migrate?

Grey whales migrate so that they can live where the conditions are the most favorable for their needs. They spend part of the year in northern waters where there is plenty of food, then they migrate south to have their babies where the water isn't so cold.

Do any whales migrate?

Yes many whales migrate. It is a scientifically proven fact.

Where do whales travel to?

where do whales migrate whales migrate all over usually up towards Antarctica to feed on krill

What time of the year do Killer Whales goto Antarctica?

If Killer Whales are in Antarctica then they probably live there year round. Killer Whales don't migrate unless forced to because of their prey migration but they don't go far. They will also move based on the seasonal advancements and retreat of packed ice.

Why do belugas whales migrate?

They migrate south for food