

Best Answer

Late spring, Early summer. (For me)

It depends where you live. Northern humid areas would be late spring, early summer.

Southern areas may be spring, and perhaps not at all.

Eastern areas would be about summer time.

Western areas varie from spring to early autumn.

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Q: When do tulips bloom spring or autum?
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What are tulips hyacinths and daffodils?

Tulips, hyacinths and daffodils are spring bulb plants. You plant them in the fall for spring bloom.

Do tulips bloom the first spring after being planted?


What flower is a common Spring flower?

Daffodils and tulips are popular flowers that bloom during spring.

How do tulips adapt to their environment?

Tulips bloom in early spring usually before the trees get leaves. This way, the tulips have sunlight when the flowers need it.

Do daffodils grow from seeds bulbs or corms?

Daffodils grow from bulbs. Daffodils are spring blooming flowers. They will bloom early in the season, around the same time that tulips bloom.

Do red tulips bloom?


What is a long stemmed yellow flower in spring?

Daffodils, narcissus, tulips. Tulips are generally shaped like a cup while the others look more like a cup with a frill, or saucer at the bottom of the bloom.

What is the characteristic of tulips?

Tulips are a spring bulb.

Do floweres bloom in spring?

Many flowers bloom in the spring - some can't even wait until all the snow melts! Crocuses are often seen blooming through small patches of snow. Then look for daffodils, hyacinths, and tulips. Trees can also bloom in the spring. You'll see apple blossoms and cherry blossoms on them and shrubs like azaleas and rhododendron.

What season do flowers begin to bloom?

Different flowers have different seasons. Some flowers such as tulips, daffodil, and Lenten roses bloom in spring. Daylilies, lilies, and roses bloom in summer. Asters and mums bloom in the fall.

What are spring words that begin with t?

Thunderstorms is a spring word. Thaw and tulips are additional spring words.

Do tulips bloom every year?

yes, most do!