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You drink the first cup after saying Kiddush in the beginning of the seder.

You drink the second cup after saying Hallelujah and before the washing of the hands (Rahatz)

Then you drink the third cup before Hallel and at this point, the Cup of Elijah is filled.

Finally, the fourth cup is to be drank right before the acceptance of the divine service or Nirtza.

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Q: When do you drink the four cups of wine at the Passover Seder?
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What do you drink in a Seder Ritual?

Four cups of wine.

What consist of a Passover meal?

The ritual foods at a Passover seder are Matzah (unleavened bread), Maror (bitter herbs), Karpas (a green vegetable, usually parsley), Beitzah (a roasted, hard boiled egg), Haroset (a mixture of apples, nuts, cinnamon, wine) and Z'roa (a shank bone, usually represented by a turkey neck or a beet). Four cups of wine are traditional as well. The main course can be almost anything, as long as it complies with Passover dietary laws.

How do Jews sit on Passover?

They sit like any one normally would, aside from a few occasions at the seder. When eating the Matza and drinking the four cups of wine, Jews recline to their left.

What do Jewish people drink in the seder meal?

Four glasses of wine are drunk as part of the seder.

What are the 4 promises of the seder meal?

Four is a recurring number during the seder (for cups of wine, four questions, four children, etc), but there aren't "4 promises".

What does wine represent in the Jewish Passover meal?

The red wine at the seder symbolises HaShem's four statements of redemption in the Torah: 1. "I took you out" 2. "I rescued you" 3. "I liberated you" 4. "I took you to Me for a people" The wine represents redemption while the colour of the red wine reminds us of the blood of the children killed for the Pharaoh. Please see the related link for an explanation of the symbolism behind all the foods eaten at the seder.

How much grape wine is consumed during passover?

Four full glasses of wine are drunk during the seder. Inside Israel, there is only one seder and outside of Israel there are two sederim.

What does the cup signifies in Jewish Passover?

Four cups of wine or grape juice are traditionally consumed during the Passover Seder and a fifth cup is poured for the prophet Elijah who is believed to visit and observe the celebration. The red wine at the seder symbolises HaShem's four statements of redemption in the Torah: 1. "I took you out" 2. "I rescued you" 3. "I liberated you" 4. "I took you to Me for a people" The wine represents redemption while the colour of the red wine reminds us of the blood of the children killed for the Pharaoh.

Why did passover include 4 cups of wine?

There is an obligation to drink four cups of wine during the Seder. The Mishnah says (Pes. 10:1) that even the poor are obliged to drink the four cups. Each cup is imbibed at a specific point in the Seder. The first is for Kiddush (קידוש), the second is for 'Maggid' (מגיד), the third is for Birkat Hamazon (ברכת המזון) and the fourth is for Hallel (הלל). The Four Cups represent the four expressions of deliverance promised by God Exodus 6:6-7: "I will bring out," "I will deliver," "I will redeem," and "I will take."

What four ways do Jews celebrate Passover?

Conducting the Pesach (Passover) Seder meal Refraining from work on the days of Passover when work is forbidden by the Torah Praying, and reading the Torah-portions for each day Avoiding leavened foods (bread, etc.) during Passover, as commanded in the Torah (Exodus ch.12)

Who answers the four questions at a Passover Seder?

The person conducting the Seder reads the traditional text, which contains the answers, whether explicitly in the narrative or by implication. In addition, any of the participants can contribute his or her answers and comments.See Related Links.More about the SederThe four questions

Why do the Jews have three glasses of wine to celebrate the passover?

Four glasses of wine are drunk during the seder. The red wine at the seder symbolises HaShem's four statements of redemption in the Torah: 1. "I took you out" 2. "I rescued you" 3. "I liberated you" 4. "I took you to Me for a people" The wine represents redemption while the colour of the red wine reminds us of the blood of the children killed for the Pharaoh.