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Bivalents or Tetrad of homologous chromosomes consisting of four synapsed chromatids that become visible during the Pachytene stage of meiotic prophase


A four-part structure that forms during the prophase of meiosis and consists of two homologous chromosomes, each composed of two sister chromatids.

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10y ago
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14y ago

Tetrads form in Prophase 1. As the chromatin condenses, special proteins cause the homologus chromosomes to stick together in pairs. The resulting structure has 4 chromatids and is called a tetrad.

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13y ago

the chromosomes form to tetrads because the cemical property with the cemical will not communtacate so you would need a genorater magnifinglass microscope 7000 . then you could see the cemiclas witch are ununununium , calcuim iron Ect. There are more than 100 cemicals in the world.

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13y ago

In Prophase I of meisosis. A tetrad is also called a bivalent. This happens so that crossing over can occur between non-sister chromatids. Crossing over is a source of genetic variability in the resulting daughter cells, gametes.

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14y ago

During Prophase 1, pairs of homologous chromosomes line up to form tetrads(T) C represents a pair of centrioles that will migrate to the one end of the cell. The term tetrad refers to the four chromatids of the paired homologous chromosomes. Remember that during prophase, each chromosome has two strands of DNA or chromatids

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13y ago

Tetrads are 4 haploid product cells, and they form during Prophase I

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14y ago

They dont form in mitosis. They form in Meiosis in Prophase 1.

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13y ago

Prophase 1 of meiosis 1.

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Q: When do the homologous chromosomes form tetrads?
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The process where replicated homologous chromosomes are linked to form tetrads is called?

Meiosis Stage II.

In mitosis or meiosis do doubled chromosomes pair to form tetrads?

Tetrads form during meiosis. Tetrad refers to the four chromatids of homologous chromosomes.These are present during Prophase.

What do homologous chromosomes form in pro-phase 1?

Homologous chromosomes in pro-phase 1 arrange themselves as tetrads. A tetrad is a set of four copies of a chromosome--the two original pairs, and the two copies the cell has made.

What will happen to the cell as it undergoes prophase 1?

In prophase I the homologous chromosomes pair and form tetrads, during which crossing over occurs and genetic material is exchanged between the homologous chromosomes. Refer to the related link for an animated illustration.

What do homologous chromosomes do in prophase 1?

Homologous chromosomes do not pair during mitosis. they only pair in meiosis to form tetrads.

What occurs in meiosos but not in mitosis?

lining up of tetrads, crossing over, and separation of homologous chromosomes.

When do chromosomes form tetrades?

Chromosomes form Tetrads during meiosis in Prophase I

In humans the number of tetrads formed during mitosis is?

A tetrad is the pairing of homologous chromosomes. A human offspring inherits 23 chromosomes (N) from each parent upon fertilization, giving the offspring 46 chromosomes (2N). In meiosis, homologous chromosomes (N from mom and N from dad) come together and form a tetrad, which consists of 2 homologous chromosomes. Since you inherit a chromosome from both parents (2N) that pair up to form a tetrad, you will have 23 tetrads that have a chromosome from mom and dad paired together. 1 N from mom + 1 N from dad = homologous pair = 1 tetrad 2N/2 = N tetrad --humans--> 2(23 chromosomes)/2 = 23 tetrads Diploid#/2 = # tetrad

A tetrad is composed of?

Tetrads are formed of 2 homologous chromosomes, which are crossing over so there is a total of 4 chromatids. :D

What phase does chromatids line up along the equater?

Metaphase II In Metaphase I, the tetrads of homologous chromosomes line up along the equator, but they are not individual chromosomes.

What happens during synapsis in meiosis?

The purpose of synapsis in meiosis is to increase genetic variability. During synapsis is when tetrads form.

What happens in meiosis during phase 1?

The homologous pairs of chromosomes line up together forming tetrads. During this time, chromatids from the homologous chromosomes cross over and exchange segments so that each chromatid contains both maternal and paternal DNA.