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Q: When is a priest a vessel?
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What enables the priest to transubstantiate the bread and wine?

The priest is merely a vessel for Christ. Christ transubstantiates the bread and wine at the hands of the priest.

When a PWC is overtaking another vessel which vessel which vessel is the give-way vessel?

the PWC

What is an eye vessel?

its a vessel in your eye. its a vessel in your eye.

How do you potts a vessel?

Place a vessel loop twice around a vessel so that if you put tension on the vessel loop, it will occlude the vessel.

When a vessal is overtaking anouther which is the stand-on vessel?

The vessel being "overtaken" is the stand-on vessel. The vessel "overtaking" is the give-way vessel.

When a sailing vessel and a pwc are meeting head on which is the stand on vessel?

When a sailing vessel and a pwc are meeting head on the sailing vessel is the stand on vessel.

When is a sail boat under sail the given way vessel when encountering a power driven vessel?

When the motorized vessel is a commercial vessel or when the motorized vessel has another vessel or person in tow.

Does the Bible mention anything about holy water?

The bible does mention holy water once in the scriptures. It is found in the King James Version Bible in Numbers chapter 5 and verse 17. "And the priest shall take holy water in an earthen vessel; and of the dust that is in the floor of the tabernacle the priest shall take, and put it into the water:"

When one vessel is overtaking another which one is the give-way vessel?

The vessel overtaking another vessel

When a personal watercraft is overtaking another vessel which vessel is the give way vessel?

the vessel being overtaken

When a vessel is over taking anotherwhich one is the give way vessel?

The vessel that is overtaking another vessel is the vessel that should give way. This means that the vessel that is being overtaken can remain on course.

What is the medical term meaning expansion of a blood vessel?

Dilation of a blood vessel is the term for physiologic widening of the vessel. Abnormal widening of the blood vessel through a weakening of the wall is known as aneurysm.Dilation of a blood vessel means widening of the vessel.