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16 weeks it is possible to detect gender. Most OB's won't order an ultrasound until 18-20 weeks.

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Q: When is the absolute earliest you can find out the gender of the baby?
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Related questions

Where can one find a gender predictor?

One can find a gender predictor by visiting a doctor while one is pregnant. One can take an ultrasound to get a picture of the baby and see which gender the baby will be.

Where can one find a baby gender predictor?

One can find a baby gender predictor on various websites like Parents and Netmums. One could also go to a local doctor and have an ultrasound to make sure what gender your baby is.

What month do you find out the gender of your baby?


Where do I find baby gender predictors?

A person can find baby gender predictor tests online at the following places: Baby Zone, Parents, Baby Center, Fortune Baby and at ChildBirth. These tests and quizzes however should not be taken as a definite answer or solution.

How can you find out what gender yout sims baby is in sims 3 PC?

well you can only find out if your sim is having the baby at the hospital and then it will tell you the gender and you can also pick a name......

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how to find baby gender in the ultrasound scan

How can I find out what gender my baby will be?

Most women find out their baby's sex during their mid-pregnancy ultrasound. This usually occurs around 16-20 weeks into the pregnancy. Genetic tests may also be used as a technique to find out the gender of the baby.

How far along in your pregnancy were you when you found out the gender of your baby?

Typically you can find out your babys gender at your 20 week ultrasound. This is if baby is cooperating and isn't being shy about their man or lady parts

Should people be allowed to find out what gender their unborn baby is?

i say no because then the baby wont be a surprise to the parent.

How can you find the gender of baby based on dates of birth of parents Rh factor coitus date family history of grand parents etc?

All those factors have some influence on the gender of a baby, but it is impossible to predict the gender of a baby on the basis of any or all of those factors. Only an examination of the foetus can tell the gender of an unborn baby.

Where would you find ablative absolute?

An ablative absolute is a construction in Latin where an independent phrase with a noun in the ablative case contains a participle, which agrees with it in gender, number, and case.

Where can I find a reliable baby gender predictor?

The website Fortunate Baby has some great tips on prediction tests and you are able to find information on how to put the test to work. You can find out instantly online as well.