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The Space Station doesn't form holes in the Ozone. Pollution on Planet Earth does that.

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Q: When space station goes to the orbit then ozone hole is form or not?
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How and why will the mass of the whole space vehicle change while the space shuttle is in orbit?

Provided noting is removed form the Shuttle, its masswill not change wheather on the ground or in orbit.

What is the ozone layer of your atmosphere?

The ozone is the triatomic form of ozone. It is present in the form of ozone layer in the atmosphere.

How does the space station stay in space?

As you may know already there is not much gravity in space maybe Evan none. So in order for something as large as the space station it stays in space by the gravitational pull form Earth I guess?

Is the ozone in the atmosphere a form of carbon?

No its not. Ozone is a form of oxygen.

Form of pollution that often contains ozone?

The ground level ozone is a form of pollution. There are traces of ozone in it.

What gases form a hole in the ozone layer?

The CFC's form a hole in ozone layer. They are highly reactive with ozone.

What contains the ozone?

The stratosphere contains the ozone. It is in the form of ozone layer.

Why ozone is in layer form?

The ozone layer is in layer form. It is due to the gravity.

What is the triatomic form of oxygen?


How are oxygen and ozone differernt?

Oxygen and ozone are different. Oxygen is the diatomic form of oxygen atmon while ozone is the triatomic form.

What most contains ozone?

Stratosphere contains most ozone. It is in the form of ozone layer.

How do the ozone layer form?

Ozone is formed by UV rays. They naturally create ozone.