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Blood pressure is the force of blood against the inner walls of arterial blood vessels. Blood pressure rises when the ventricles contract and falls when the ventricles relax. Systolic pressure is the maximum pressure and diastolic pressure is the minimum pressure.

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Q: When the heart contracts what receives its blood supply?
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Where does the heart muscle receives its blood supply from?

The heart muscle is supplied by blood vessels called coronaries.

Which section of the heart receives blood from the right coronary artery?

The right atrium and ventricle receives blood from the right coronary artery. This blood supply is specific to the heart and is received from the coronary arteries.

How do the walls of the heart receive a blood supply in order to stay healthy?

the heart receives glucose and oxygen in the blood pumped through

Does heart receives oxygenated blood?

Left side of the heart receives oxygenated blood.

Where does blood flow when the ventricle contracts?

Blood flows to the heart when the ventricle contracts

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The heart receives blood from the lungs on the left side through the Pulmonary Veins.

what sides of the heart receives oxygenated blood?

The left side of the heart receives blood from the lungs which is rich in oxygen. The heart then pumps throughout the body.

How does the heart pump your blood?

Your heart contracts, forcing your blood out your aorta, and through your body.

What artery can supply the heart with blood?

the veins supply the heart and the heart pumps the blood around the body

What blood vessel receives blood after heart is pumped?

The aorta. This is the primary artery in your body that branches off into the many small arteries that supply nutrients to your whole body.

What is the name of the organ that receives blood from the veins and sends it into the arteries?

The heart is the organ that receives blood from the veins and pumps it into the arteries.

Does the left or right side of the heart receive blood from the body?

The right side of the heart receives blood from the body. The left side receives blood from the lungs.