

When to use XML?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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9y ago

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xml is great for carrying and displaying data over the internet, examples include recipes, course descriptions etc

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Q: When to use XML?
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How do you create a XML file from Scratch?

it is the same way to create xml file by converting into txt you have to use the correct xml syntax ie <xml> this is to denote strat of xml file and this </xml> denotes end of xml file. You have to use the right xml code or your xml file wont be valid or well formed.

What is the structure of xml?

xml is a markup language with a fairly simple structure. you use <xml> to strat an xml file and use </xml> to denote the end of the fiel. Within the file, you can use any tags you like, you can have attributes, elements and child elements.

How do you convert a XML to DTD?

If you use an xml tool like liquid xml studio or any other xml tool you will be able to convert your xml into an xsd or dtd.

How do you fix xml?

If you open the xml in most web browser it will state an error code denoting the type of malformation of the xml. you can use an xml tool like an xml editor to validate and correct your xml.

How do you use XML in PHP?

PHP 5 has a XML parser called SimpleXML that you could use.

What methods valid XML?

you can use an xml editor to validate your xml and to make sure it is well formed and has no errors.

What is the use of XML schema?

the purpose of an xml schema is to serve as a blueprint or instruction file for a processor to validate an xml file.

How do you see bad XML file?

You can see or view an xml file with a plain text editor like notepad or you can use a dedicated xml editor. With an xml editor you can also validate your xml file which means you can correct any errors in your xml file.

How do you compare one XML file with many XML files?

you could use an xml tool that would allow you to compare the files, most xml tools normally refer to this feature as xml diff, it allows you to compare differences in multiple xml files.

How retrieve xml data using php?

Ypu can use file handling function to read XML file_get_contents() file() fopen() Use SimpleXML Library simplexml_load_string - Interprets a string of XML into an object simplexml_load_file - Interprets an XML file into an object

How is XML validated?

An xml is normally validated against an xml schema, the schema is the rulebook that defines what can and connot be included in your xml file. You can also use xml validation software which will check and validate your xml, that sit is correct in terms of syntax etc and then check it agianst yuour schema.

Is XML data structured?

xml is not a semantic language, there are no set tags to use as you make up your own tags, the only basic structure is you have beginning and end tags, for example begining tag for an xml file would be <xml> and the end tag would be </xml>.