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the light bulb

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Q: When was Edisons inventions?
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What is one of Thomas Edisons inventions?

The Light Bulb

Did people like Thomas Edisons inventions?

I certianly do.

Name one of Thomas Edisons invention?

one of thomas edisons inventions were the phoneograph and ther light bulb

What are Thomas Edison weaknesses?

thomas edisons weakness was his inventions

What are two inventions of Thomas Edisons?

The light bulb and the electric telephone

What were THomas Edison inventions?

Edisons major inventions are Electric Bulb, Phonograph, telegraph among others

All of thomas edisons inventions?

Sorry, I dont know if these are all of them,Cylinder phonographDisk phonographKinetophonekinetoscopeFilm projectorsMotion pictures

How can you imitate thomas Edison attitude towards doing good deeds?

Yes, if your deeds are committed to Thomas Edisons life and inventions.

What is thomas edisons favorite invention?

Thomas Edison's favorite invention, despite all of the inventions he did, was always the phonograph.The phonograph.

What were 2 causes in the growth industry in late 1800's and early 1900s?

Thomas Edisons inventions a communications revolution and special devices

What was edisons inventions?

It is likely that Thomas Edison's best invention in the incandescent light bulb. It led to a massive surge in productivity in the 20th century in all industries.

What was Thomas Edison's most talked about inventions?

Edisons most important inventions are the bulb, the pornograph and the improvement to the photograph camera.