

When was Hammurabi born?

Updated: 11/4/2022
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8y ago

Best Answer

Hammurabi was born c. 1818 B.C.


sally's answer:

Well it wasn't specific when he was born, but he got the throne 1712 B.C. , so the previous answer is wrong. It is impossible for someone to be born before becoming a King of some country.


JOhn's Answer

Sally a king must be born to become a King. Although the first answer is incorrect because back then and rarely today do people live to the age of 100. Also Hammurabi was born in 1795 B.C.E. I'm positive. Although that would mean Hammurabi started ruling when he was 3 from 1792 to 1750 B.C.E. Im sure this is when he was born.

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Where was Hammurabi born?

In Babylonia, which is part of Mesopotamia.

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so he was born in 1721 bc of course he made the code of hammurabi in 1749

When did Hammurabi live?

Hammurabi was given the throne in 1712 B.C. So we don't know when he was born. He died in 1750 B.C.

When was King Hammurabi born and when did he die?

Born 1792 BC Died 1750 BC

When did ancient Mesopotamians invented Hammurabi?

Around 3800 years ago. He ruled from 1792 to 1750 BCE according to most sources.

When was Hammurabi born and where?

King Hammurabi of Babylonia lived in the capital of Babylonia, Babylon. Babylonia is in southern Mesopotamia which means "land between two rivers". Mesopotamia is between the Euphrates and the Tigris River in the Fertile Crescent. King Hammurabi was the one who created the Code of Hammurabi (a set of 282 rules for citizens of Babylon).

What are great facts about hammurabi?

Hammurabi is known for being the maker of the code of Hammurabi

Who was Hammurabi and what did he?

the hammurabi code

What are some facts about Hammurabi?

· The Code of Hammurabi is contained on a stele, now in the Louvre in Paris, · Hammurabi was the sixth king of Babylon. Hammurabi had 210 children Hammurabi had 59 wifes

How many laws of Hammurabi were there?

there were 282 laws made by hammurabi