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Q: When water removes sand from the beach is that weathering?
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How does running water cause weathering?

it runs over rock/sand/dirt and removes little pieces know as erosion

Is water under all of the sand on a beach?

their is not water under the sand on a beach. If there was the beach would collapse.

What does sand on the beach symbolize?

The product of weathering and erosion.

What is a structure built from a beach?

A beach is usually a place where there is sand and a water source. Many people build sand structures at the beach using the sand and water from ocean or lake and make sand castles.

How is sand on the beach affected by undertow?

Undertow causes the sand to be removed from the beach and carried back out into the water.

Does sand help in water filtration?

It removes all the particles from the water so yes

What is a personification for the beach?

The sand was diamonds, glistening in the bright sun.

What process produces the the sediments that ultimately lead to soil formation?


How do you make a beach on alchemy?

Sand and water.

What do you see a lot of at the beach?

Sand, water.

What are the things in beach?

There is sand, water, rocks

How does schist become sand?

Weathering like wind, water, or plants break down the rock turning it to sand!