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Miscegenation (Latin miscere "to mix" + genus "kind") is the mixing of different racial groups, that is, marrying, cohabiting, having sexual relations and having children with a partner from outside one's racially or ethnically defined group.

In the United States Miscegentation laws were laws that banned interracial marriage and sometimes sex between members of two different races and were enforced in the Thirteen Colonies from the late seventeenth century onwards, and subsequently in several US states and US territories until 1967.

The laws were gradually repealed state-by-state during the period 1948-1967, however, the southern slave states were notoriously slow and some of these states waited till 1998 to fix language in their constitutions.

Similar laws were also enforced in Nazi Germany, from 1935 until 1945, and in South Africa during the Apartheid era, from 1948 until 1984.

The history of these laws is complex and lengthy. See the related link for a more complete discussion.

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Some people used to believe in races of humans. Some of those people thought that when people of different "races" had children, that was bad, so they called it miscegenation. Now, the idea of "races" and "miscegenation" has been discredited, but some people still believe.

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When did the first law against miscegenation appear?

Between John Rolfe and Pocahontas, 1614!

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In the USA, there used to be laws against miscegenation.

When did the first US law appear against miscegenation?

The first US law against miscegenation, or interracial marriage, appeared in the state of Maryland in 1664. It prohibited marriages between English women and African men. This law was followed by similar laws in other colonies, which remained in place until the 20th century.

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Around 1958 anti-miscegenation laws were overturned through Virginia vs Loving. June 14th is a day to recognize biracial black/white marriages.

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Hideo Honda has written: 'Sonzaishinai kodomotachi' -- subject(s): Aliens, Citizenship, Law and legislation, Miscegenation

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Is it against the law?

Yes, blackmail it is against the law.

What is Miscegenation?

"Miscegenation" refers to the mixing of people of different races. This mixing could include marriage or cohabitation, sexual relations, or procreation.

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"Illegal" means against the law. So yes, downloading illegally is against the law.

How many people arrested anti miscegenation laws?

There's no answer to that.

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No there is not a law against it.