

When were the last ancient Olympics held?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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6y ago

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AD 393
385 was the last recorded games, although the games may have continued to 393 (in 394 the games were banned by the then Roman Emperor).

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When and where were the last ancient Olympics held?

394 CE.

Where exactly was the last ancient Olympics held?

I am pretty sure it was in Olympia in 393 AD

Where was the ancient Olympics held?

it was held in ancient Greece in Olympus

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The Olympics was last held in Beijing in 2008.

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The last Olympics were held in 2008 in Beijing, China.

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Answer: Greece

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it was in the ancient greece the first olympics

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both are/were held every 4 years, or as the ancient Greeks called it, every olympiad

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held in 776 BC