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Depending on how young but teens are highly influenced by their click or group of friends and you have to prove you are not soft (weak) ,Drugs don't help especially alcohol and pills or cocaine (pot not the same aggressive side effects usually. Other causes Anger, Resentment toward parents, authoritative figures or even fear of separation from someone they care about.

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When young people commit violent acts, multiple factors can be to blame including environmental influences, such as exposure to violence in the home or community, social influences from peers, mental health issues, and a lack of access to supportive resources or interventions. Blame should not be attributed to any single factor, as it is typically a complex combination of individual, relational, community, and societal influences. It is important to address these root causes comprehensively to prevent future occurrences.

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Q: When young people commit violent acts who and what is to blame?
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When young people commit violent acts who and what is to be blame?

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Why Parents should de penalized when their teenagers commit crimes?

While under the age of majority (18 in most countries), young people are the responsibility of their parents or guardians. It is therefore reasonable to expect parents or guardians to assume some responsibility for the behavior of the young people they are responsible for raising to adulthood. Thus when young people seriously misbehave a reasonable argument can be made that some of the blame for this behavior may be attributed to bad parenting and the parents or guardians therefore are to some extent responsible and liable for the crimes.

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A violent offender is someone who has been known to be violent in the past therefore that is used in determining punishment in the future.

Are videos games killing kids?

There are a lot of rumors about how video-games are damaging the minds of young people and increasing violent tendencies. It is possible that this may be the case with some people, but it's usually not the case with most. A lot of it has to with the content of the video game in question, the age of the child, and the child's mental health and behavior. If a child that has a history of violent behavior, then the chance that a video game will drive them to commit a violent act is higher. Most people that you hear about that supposedly killed themselves because of video games, actually did so because of other issues. Like depression. The short answer is "no", video games are not killing kids.

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Things to do to young sleeping kids?

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Use Misdemeanor in a sentence?

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