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the ratio of width to height of an object, the multiplier is 1.618

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Q: Where can you find The Golden Section in Art Architechture or Nature?
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Related questions

Where in nature can you find the golden ratio?

MathYou can find the golden ratio in nature in some flowers such as the Cosmo, the iris, the buttercup, the daisy and the sunflower, it is also found in some fruits and vegetables such as the lemon, the apple, the chili and the artichoke.

Where can you find Nature Boy sheet music?

See related links section.

Where to find online calculation for the golden section pyramid?

PyramidGwill help you to calculate the parameters of the golden section pyramid by the desired height or the length of the base, the ratio of which will be the golden section. You can choose the length of the base of the pyramid or the height of the pyramid as the greater value.PyramidG for Cheops calculates the parameters of the pyramid, which base is the golden section of the Cheops pyramid. The calculation is made by the specified values ​​of the height or the length of the base of the pyramid.

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U can find fantasy silly bands at the rogers wal-mart by golden corral in the toys section.

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More information on the schedule of the Golden State Warriors can be found on the NBA website. Their schedule is found under their section of the website.

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In the golden mouth

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To find the Golden Sheep in Horseisle, check out the link below.

Where would you find the golden triangle?

the golden triangle is a current myth therefore you cannot find it

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The golden egg is in the barn

Where in nature do you find waxes?

u find waxes in nature by finding them

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The answer depends on what the section is of.

Are there any occurrences of the Golden ratio in nature and if there are what are their calculations?

There are many occurrences of the Golden Ratio in nature, such as the arrangement of branches on plant stems or veins on plant leaves; skeletons of animals and their cario and nervous systems; proprotions of chemical compounds and geometry of crystals; the spiral of snail shells; and the proportions of face and body that we find most 'attractive'. (a+b)/a = a/b = 1 + √5 = 1.6180339887498948482...