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This information is not available to the general public. It is contained only on secure law enforcement sites maintained by the states and/or the FBI. If you like, you can go to your local law enforcement agency and simply ask.

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Q: Where can you run your name to see if you have any outstanding warrants?
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Related questions

What is the type of check police run with a driver's license?

To see if you have any outstanding warrants, and if your driver's license is current.

Is there a public website that can show outstanding arrest warrants for potential employees?

unless that potential employee signed a legal waiver giving you permission to run a criminal background check, you do not have the right to perform one. but most of the individual state websites have a place where you can run a search for any outstanding warrants. you just need name, birthday , and social in most cases.Another View: Disagree with the above statement that "most" states maintain websites which list outstanding arrest warrants. In my experience the overwhelming number of states do NO publish their warrants on 'public' sebsites. They do however, list them on the NCIC computer network, which is closed to access by the public.

If your 17 in arizona and run away will they look for you when you tirn 18?

not unless you have warrants outstanding. once you turn 18, as far as the law is concerned, you're your own person and can go where you want.

Want to find out if you have any bench warrants with out paying a fee?

You can go to any law enforcement agency and ask them to "run" you for warrants. Of course, if there is an arrest warrant for you, they will probably arrest you on the spot.Additonal: There are NO publicly accessiblewebsites that compile or supply this information

I had two misdeameanor arrest warrants in Washington state...does anyone know if I can be extradited from southern California?

Insufficient information about the offenses. What class Misdemeanors? What is their seriousness? How long have the warrants been outstanding? PARTIAL ANSWER: IF your name has been entered into the NCIC database you can, and will, eventually be arrested whenever a Law Enforcement Officer makes contact with you and has occasion to "run" your name. Budget constraints MIGHT occasionally preclude the cost and transportation from one state to another, but let's face it... California is not THAT far from Washington.

Do city police serve warrants?

I'm sure it depends on the city. Here, police officer are so busy with other things, they don't actively look for people with warrants. If you have an outstanding warrant against you, it will probably come up on a traffic stop when they run your driver license and you will be arrested then.

Can i be arrested at the airport in Texas with misdemeanor traffic warrants?

A warrant is a warrant. If you happen to be one those who gets randomly screened and your name is run through the criminal information computer AND the warrants are on file you COULD be taken into custody by the airport police.

If you run on a misdemeanor probation it every stop?

Warrants are valid until the wanted individual has been detained. Some prosecution offices may clear out outstanding, misdemeanor warrants after a period of time, but there is no legal requirement to do so, and this practice is purely based on the discretion of the prosecution office. The misdemeanor warrant will be valid for ten years minimum and possibly longer, depending on the jurisdiction in which it was filed.

Can you buy a handgun with a warrant in Louisiana?

It is illegal in Louisiana, as well as in most states in the US, to purchase or possess a firearm if you have an outstanding warrant. Background checks are typically conducted when purchasing a firearm, and any active warrants will likely prevent the purchase from being approved. It's important to resolve any outstanding legal issues before attempting to purchase a handgun.

Do they check for arrest warrants at the dmv in Tulsa ok?

Let's put it this way... they run your name and DOB through the computer in order to to confirm that you are really are, who you say are. What do you think?

How do you find out if you have an outstanding speeding ticket in another state?

Contact that state's department of motor vehicles. If time has elapsed and you think your license from any state may be in jeopardy of being suspended, you can contact your local PD. They can run your name and info to see if there's anything outstanding. Beware -- if your license is suspended, they'll keep it.

Do they Search to find Felony Warrant Run aways.?

Do you mean.... someone who was wanted for a felony offense and fled arrest, or someone who was on bail, fled and failed to appear in court???? YES. Persons wanted on felony charges/warrants are entered into NCIC (National Crime Information Computer) and any time this persons name is run for a check, his name will appear and he will, eventually, be caught and arrested.