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When you are exactly half way between the North and South poles.

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14y ago

Equador springs to mind. There's places in Africa and Asia, too.

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Q: Where can you stand on the equator?
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If you are on o degree latitude where you stand?

On the equator obviously.

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an equator line

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At the top of Mt Kilimonjaro

Can you stand in the northern and southern hemisphere at the same time?

The closest you can get to that is standing on the equator

A geostationary satellite appears standstill to a viewer on the equator of earth?

A geostationary satellite appears to stand still to a viewer anywhere on the earth, not just on the equator.

Where can one stand up perfectly straight but still be considered perfectly sideways?

The equator line

Why gravity is stronger at poles than along the you know why?

Since the earth is spinning ... an object on the equator is moving roughly 1,000 miles per hour ... the earth is somewhat bulged at the equator. Its diameter at the equator is a little larger than the distance between the north and south poles. For that reason, when you stand at the pole, you're a bit closer to the center of the earth than when you stand on the equator. The farther you are from the center of the earth, the lower the force of gravity between you and the earth. So the force is less at the equator and more at the poles.

Why is Polaris at its highest latitude in the Arctic Circle?

The Earthg's north pole points very close to Polaris in the sky. So Polaris is directly over your head when you stand at the north pole, it's on your horizon when you stand on the equator, and it's somewhere between your horizon and the point directly over your head when you stand somewhere between the north pole and the equator.

To stand on the equator just north of Quito you would travel to which South American country?

Quito is the capital of Ecuador.