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he landed in New Zealand in 1769, then set off to explore Australia's eastern coast and found New South Wales. He named it new south wales because he thought it looked like wales in the UK and it was a new and southern land.

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Q: Where did captin cook land in 1769?
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When did Cook land in NewZealand?

August 1769 New Zealand was sighted 6th October 1769 and Cook's party made landfall on 8th October 1769.

Why did captin cook think he had the right to claim Australia?

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Captain James Cook was a British explorer, navigator and cartographer. He landed in Tahiti twice, in 1769 and in 1777.

When did Captain James Cook land in Poverty bay?

James Cook landed in Poverty Bay in 1769.

What did James Cook promise the first person to sight land at 1769?

A gallon of rum.

Where did James cook first land in new zealand?

Poverty Bay in October 1769

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Zadock Cook was born in 1769.

What is captin cooks first name?

James Cook

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