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Mostly in big stone houses. The Second Estate was the nobility. Important nobles would live in a château, less important one in a manoir or mesnil, some in simple farmhouses; it was not at all rare for a nobleman to be poor, as ALL the sons of a nobleman were noble, and estates would be repeatedly divided down the generations; but few of the poorer nobility would be elected as representatives of the Second Estate.

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Q: Where did french second estate live?
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Who comprised the French Second Estate?

french second estate was comprised of nobles king and queen

What did the Second Estate comprise?

The Aristocracy/Nobility made up the second estate in the French Revolution.

What was the second estate in French society?

It was right next door to the first estate, Versailles.

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The third estate held 97% [of which held 80% peasants] the Second estate held 1% and the First estate held 2%.

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the french society in the old regime was divided into three they were the ; *clergy as first estate *nobles as second estate *commoners as third estate

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The Second Estate.

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The three Estates were the First Estate which included the Catholic Clergy, the Second Estate which consisted of the French Nobles and the Third Estate which was the commoners who represented 95 to 97% of the population.

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What are the names of the 3 Estates involved in the French Revolution?

The First Estate which was the Catholic Clergy. The Second Estate which consisted of the Nobles. Everyone else was in the Third Estate.

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Just before the French revolution, the 3 estates of French society were the first estate made up of the Clergy, the second estate made up of nobles and the third estate made up of the peasants. During this time, the first estate made up 0.5% of the population, the second estate made up 1.5% and the third estate made up the remaining 98%.

What estate in french revolution does a pig farmer belong to?

The third estate. The first estate was made up of the clergy, the second estate was made up of the nobles and the peasants made up the third estate.