

Where did grapes mostly grow in Greece?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Where did grapes mostly grow in Greece?
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What kind of crops grow in Greece?

Grapes, Olives, wheat, and barley.

What did ancient Spartans grow?

wheat, barley, olives, and grapes mostly

What did the Greeks used to grow?

Greece grows grapes olives and catches fish allot

What kind of food did ancient Greece grow?

Ancient Greece had lots of rocks and very little soil that was good for farming. However they did grow barley, olives and grapes.

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They grew mostly grapes, olives, wheat, and barley.

What did the Thebes Greece farm?

They farmed olives and grapes which they then traded for products they could not grow on their rugged land, like wheat.

Why is bronze grapes ancient Greece resources?

"Bronze grapes" were used in ancient Greece as tributes to the deity Malachi.

What did the people of ancient corinth eat?

The people of Corinth, ancient Greece ate currants (grapes and cranberies.)

Whats the name of the bush that grapes grow on?

Grapes grow on a vine

Was it hard to grow grapes in ancient Greece?

yes and no because they usually grew grape vines on the walls of their building and yes because some didn't know how to get the seeds to grow them

What does Greece look like?

Greece is a very rocky place which makes it very hard to grow food.

What are the resources in ancient Greece?

The Natural Resources in Greece was mainly olives and grapes. Grapes were also used to make wine.