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Although the exact number will never be known, the most common estimates are between 1.4 million and 2.2 million, with perhaps half of those deaths being due to executions, and the rest from starvation and disease - about 20% of the country's population.

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About 1.2 million people died because of this war

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2 Million people were killed in the Cambodia Genocide

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Q: How many died in Cambodia under Khmer Rouge?
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Who were the communist forces the took control of Cambodia in 1975?

The Khmer Rouge took control of Cambodia in 1975. Their leader was Pol Pot, who instituted a reign of terror in the country. It is estimated that three million people died before he Khmer Rouge was deposed in 1979.

How many cambodians died in the killing fields?

The Khmer Rouge is remembered mainly for the deaths of an estimated 2.5-3 million people according to UN investigations.

Who were the Communist forces that took control of Cambodia in 1975?

No foreign nation took over Cambodia. The communist backed Cambodian Rebel's called the Khmer Rouge took over Cambodia. Vietnam briefly occupied Cambodia in the late 1970's to set up a new government that could control it's own borders better. Cambodian rebels kept causing problems on the Cambodian/Vietnamese border, so the Viet's had had enough of it, and invaded Cambodia to clean up the place.

When did pol pot resign from the Khmer rouge?

he resigned when he died that was how dedicated he was

Did Pol Pot kill doctors teachers and educators?

Yes,under the control of Pol Pot,the Khmer Rouge killed or enslaved doctors and teachers and anyone else who was middle class(bourgiose)or members of the Khmer Bleu and their civilian supporters.Not only were Cambodians killed,but also foreign nationals.This occurred from 1975 until 1978 when the Khmer Rouge entered Vietnam.Vietnam invaded the country and forced the Khmer Rouge deep into the jungle areas,where over time they disbanded.Pol Pot was arrested in the late 1980's and died in prison awaiting trail for war crimes.He was in his mid/late-70s when he died.How many people died under his rule is unclear but thought to be approx.1.7million.Today the population of Cambodia is approx. 13million.

How did pol pot murder them?

he sent out a military group called the Khmer rouge. who tortured them. others died from starvation and disease.

What events occurred leading up the the Cambodian genocide?

The Cambodian genocide, between 1975 to 1979, started when a Communist group, Khmer Rouge, seized control of Cambodia. The leader, Pol Pot, exercised extreme martial law on the people and executed adults and children across the country.

How is POL POT viewed?

Pol Pot (Saloth Sar ) and his Khmer Rouge are not very well regarded ; many former members (e.g. Kang Kek Iew) of the Khmer Rouge are currently on trial for "Crimes Against Humanity" - a fate that Pol Pot would have been subjected to had he not died in 1998 .

What happened after the Khmer rouge became the ruling power in Cambodia?

Democratic Kampuchea was the name given to Cambodia by the Khmer Rouge during their time in power. This was ended by a rapid Vietnamese invasion which began in December 1978, but after months of retreats and fighting, Khmer Rouge members loyal to the old government regrouped in the west of the country, on the border with Thailand, along with the fallen DK administration. They entered a coalition with other groups during the early 1980s in order to fight the Vietnamese-backed government now named the People's Republic of Kampuchea.

What race died in the cambodian genocide?

Cambodian peasants. Surviving the Pol Pot genocide was next to impossible. Once a group was rounded none of them was ever released. After torture and interrogation, sometimes stretching over several months, all of these men, women and children were brutally put to death. The Khmer Rouge in retreat had some help from American relief agencies - 20,000 to 40,000 guerrillas who reached Thailand received food aid -and the West also ensured that the Khmer Rouge (rather than the Vietnam-backed communist government) held on to Cambodia's seat in the United Nations: the Cold War continued to dictate what allegiances and priorities were made.

How did sihanouk lose power?

Sihanouk lost his power when Lon Nol asked US for help, then US overthrew Sihanouk. Lon Nol was liked an American dog, Nixon was liked his owner. After Vietnam War, Lon Nol allowed Nixon and Kissinger to oder US troop to bomb Vietnamese in Cambodia. But the one who hurt were Cambodian Civilians, the bomb that were dropped in Cambodia equaled to the bomb that was dropped in japan during WW2. 500,000 Cambodians died during the Illegal Bombing of Cambodia from 1964-1973, millions of Cambodians lost their homes. US had weaken Cambodian military and indirectly helped Khmer Rouge to come to take over Cambodia. Actually most Americans did not know about because this process was held secretly, and also illegal, Nixon's Mad Man Policy had teared Khmer people.

What did the Khmer Rouge do to Cambodia?

Cambodia turned poorer and weaker during the Vietnam War because the darn Americans bombed them and Laos for no particular reason.ANOTHER VIEW: Disagree totally with the original answer.Cambodia offered the sanctuary of their country (which was supposedly neutral in the conflict) to the North VIietnamese military in an attempt to shield their military forces from the strategic strikes and attacks by the US and their allies during the Vietnam War. The reason Cambodia did this is open to question: Possibly they did it because they were politically allied with, and in sympathy with, the North Vietnamese, or perhaps because they were afraid of military retribution against their own country if they did not offer their help. Either way, their allowance of the use of their supposedly neutral country by enemy combatants opened their borders to military incursions by the US and allied forces to eradicate the North Vietnamese military threat. No military or political action was directly initiated against the country of Cambodia or its people.