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I believe it originated with food. A nut can be dipped in chocolate, allowed to cool, and then dipped again for a thicker coating of chocolate.

Double dipping has come to mean getting more than your share, or getting paid twice for the same time or service. Someone who retires and then draws a pension, plus gets paid as a consultant related to their previous work is called a double-dipper. People who work on commission sometimes get paid for managing a client's account, and also get a commission for the buying or selling they do for the client. This is called double dipping and in some cases is unethical or illegal. In financial terms, double-dipping is when you get paid twice for the same work, get reimbursed twice for the same expense, or get paid twice from the same source (pension plus consulting). Example: Your employer sends you on a trip and pays for the expenses and then you deduct the cost of the travel as a business-related expense from your taxes - illegal!

Back to food, in an episode of Seinfeld, George dips a chip in the communal dip bowl, bites off the covered portion and then dips the chip a second time. Another party goer has a fit because George's double-dipping is spreading germs. Where double dipping in other situations created higher quality, or richer food (double-dipped chocolates, or double batter dipped fried chicken), double dipping chips was ruining the food (dip). His behavior was considered rude, unethical or immoral. George is called a double-dipper as a derogatory epithet. A fight ensued.

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