

Where do asteroid belts come from?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Some astronomers think that asteroid came from fragments of a planet that disrupted by a strong gravitational force.

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Are asteroid belts celestial objects?

No. Asteroid belts are not celestial objects, but asteroids are.

How many belts does the sun have?

The sun has 2 belts ,the asteroid and the kuiper belt.

Where are most asteroid belts located?

orbiting the sun

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The asteroid belt in our solar system, separates the inner and outer planets from each other.

What are two belts of the solar system called?

Asteroid and Kuiper (or Kyper)

Are all asteroids in the main asteroid belt?

No. There are other asteroid belts besides the main asteroid belt in our solar system. Also, there are asteroids outside our solar system.

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Has main asteroid belts been seen by astronomers?

Yes (since 1801).

Are asteroids small planets?

Asteriods are chunks of rock that escaped the asteroid belts orbit.