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The American Bullfrog is native to North America. They are found in the United States, Canada and Mexico, east of the Rocky Mountains, but have been introduced to many other localities throughout the world. In Europe and the western U.S., measures are often taken to control its spread because it competes with, and often drives out, native species.

While occasionally kept as pets, the American Bullfrog provides a minor food source, especially in the Southern United States and in some areas of the Midwestern United States. In a few locations they are commercially cultured in ponds, but the traditional way of hunting them is to paddle or pole silently by canoe or flatboat in streams or swamps at night; when the frog call is heard, a light is shined on the frog to temporarily inhibit it. The frog will not jump into deeper water as long as movement is slow and steady. When close enough, the frog is gigged and brought into the boat. In some states, breaking the skin while catching them is illegal and either grasping gigs or hand capture are used. The only parts eaten are the rear legs, which resemble small chicken drumsticks and, sometimes, the backs, which are usually fried for consumption.

The American Bullfrog is also used as a specimen for dissection in many schools across the world.

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13y ago

Only 100 years ago if you lived in California or Oregon you might not have ever seen a North American bullfrog. But now bullfrogs are all over North America, and can even be found on other continents. Some scientists think this is a problem because the bullfrog population is growing so quickly in parts of the world where there are no bull frog predators that they are getting out of control.

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lakes and other places

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Q: Where do bullfrogs live in the world?
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Do bullfrogs live in a desert?

Yes, bullfrogs live in the desert but must have permanent water, such as a river.

Do bullfrogs lay live young or eggs?

Bullfrogs lay a spawn of eggs.

Are bullfrogs still in England?

No but America is the most popular country bullfrogs live in

Were do bullfrogs live in the world?

bull frogs can live in basicly any part of the world but not all of them are the exact same everyone has to adapt to it's environment

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They live in Antartica.

Do bullfrogs live in the desert?

no they don't they need water to live.

Does a bullfrogs burrow in the ocean?

Yes, bullfrogs in fact burrow in oceans. They live together in groups monaphlins.

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Do bullfrogs live in Winnipeg?

No, Winnipeg is not in the natural habitat range of bullfrogs. There are many other types of frogs in manitoba, but not bullfrogs, unless they have been imported form elsewhere.

Where do American bullfrogs live?

swamps, ponds, and lakes

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Do south African bullfrogs live in the rainforest?

Yes they do