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probley new guinea

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Q: Where do guinea pigs original come from?
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Related questions

Do Guinea pigs come from chile?

Guinea pigs originate from Peru

Where was the original ecosystem for guinea pigs?

The guinea pig originated in South America.

Did guinea pigs come from Europe?

No, guinea pigs are native to the Andes Mountains in South America.

Does guinea pigs come from London?


Where did the name guinea pig come from?

The name Guinea Pig came from the sailors. sailors thought their squeals sounded like a pigs. and they sold guinea pigs for one guinea. thus guinea pig.

Where do guinea pigs com from?

They come from africa.

Do guinea pigs come to us yes or no?

It all depends on the guinea pigs behavior and who the person is. A well socialized guinea pig is more likely to come to it's owner while a shy and under socialized guinea pig would be less likely to come.

How did guinea pigs come from Europe?

They didn't come from Europe, they come from south america.

What is a guinea pigs environment?

If your asking where they come from, it's not from Guinea. They are actually found in Australia. If you aren't familiar of what the outback looks like, Google some pictures. That's where most are. An original myth said Guinea Pigs swam up from the ocean and went into farmer's barns since that is where most are found to mate.

Are guinea pigs a pig or?

No!!!!!!!They are actually part of the rodent family.

Are guinea pigs vegetarian?


How many guinea pigs do guinea pigs have?

I have three