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A cactus stores water in its stem.

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Q: Where does a cactus store water if it doesn't have leaves?
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The plants which can store water in their spongy stem are called what?

A succulent and a cactus both store water in their spongy stem or leaves.

How do roots of a cactus adapt to live in the desert?

The roots to a cactus are long thick and go very wide and deep. When it rains the roots absorb the water and store it in its leaves. The cactus doesnt need a lot of water. A couple drops a year will keep it alive. Its leaves are protected with spines.

Is cactus a leaf or a stem?

Leaves provide extra surface area for water to evaporate out of the plant. In the arid desert, plants need all the water they can get.

How can a cactus survive in a hot and dry desert explain?

They store water in their trunks. Also, they don't have leaves, so water does not evaporate from them, and the cactus doesn't have to support the growth of the leaves. Spikes discourage predators from eating the plant.

Are cactus plants trees?

They are succulent plants, having thick fleshy leaves or stems to store water

How are a cactus leaves adapted to living in the dessert?

A cactus leaves get sunlight and they make photosynthesis and they get water from that and they save the water

What is the adaptation of the jambu?

They store water in a little trunk. (Kind of like a cactus.)

What is cactus that stores water in its stem called?

A cactus that stores water in its stem is called a stem succulent. The stem has tissues that are capable storing large quantities of water. The stem also has a thick waterproof epidermis covered by a waxy cuticle that prevents loss of water due by evaporation. Examples of stem succulents - Cardon Cactus, Organ Pipe Cactus, Saguaro Cactus

Why cactus have spiny leaves?

a cactus has spiny leaves for protection and so the water wont evaporate so easily.

What are 3 ways that cactus adapt to survive long dry periods?

They store water. They do not have leaves. Their pores only open at night.

Why does a cactus have spiny leaves?

It is an adaptation and a form of leaves, except that they are spines. It is either for protection from animals sucking its internal "juice", or it is for preventing dessication (drying out).

What is the function of leaves on a cactus?

defence. the cacti leaves are the thorns...