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Q: Where does a plant get water for a reaction?
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In a nuclear power plant what is used to change water to steam?

Heat from the nuclear reaction changes water to steam.

If a plant does not have enough water which event will happen first?

A decrease in the rate of the light reaction

What are the kinds of reaction of photosynthesis?

== The reaction that photosynthesis causes is that you get food with out watering the plant although it might take longer. The plant needs food to live or else it can die if it doesn't have sunlight or water it can cause the plant to dry out and die. == Photosynthesis is the process by which a plant converts sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water into food that it can use to grow.

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What is the chemical reaction that produces food in plant cells?

This is called "photosynthesis". Plant cells containing chlorophyll create glucose (sugar) from carbon dioxide and water.

What does chloropalst do?

chloroplast is located in the chlorophyll part of a plant (the leaf and stem) this doest the chemical reaction of mixing CO2 (carbon dioxide) + H2O (water) + sunlight too make glucose (sugar) which is plant food also the chloroplast turnes the plant green because of the reaction. xoxo

What are the 2 groups of vascular plants?

Liliopsida (monocotyl plant) and magnoliopsida (dicotyl plant)

Does salt kill a radish plant?

Well speaking scientifically the radish plant would probably die because of its reaction to the saltwater.Try out the experiment.

In a nuclear power plant what is used to change water into steam?

Heat from the nuclear reaction changes water to steam.

Where does a chemical reaction in a plant occur?

In the chemical installations of the plant.

What nuclear reaction is used to the Bataan power plant?

The nuclear reaction used in the Bataan power plant is nuclear fission.

What are the reactants in chemical reaction is taking place in a green plant in sunlight?

The reactants for the overall equation for photosynthesis are carbon dioxide and water.