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It is a connection some pastors make from Isaiah 34 and 13, in 13 in the Jerusalem bible it uses the word Orion and not just stars. It is often considered a stretch, but the idea that since Orion means the strong one and is said in the old translation (not in king James) that it will go dark, some people suggest god comes out of Orion.Personally I think it is a poor connection and an unimportant one at that, because Jesus tells us that we will not know when or where or how he will come again.

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Why is the name Orion in the Old Testament?

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They are positioned and scaled to match the constellation Orion. The Egyptian version of 'Heaven on Earth'.

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Might be, because of the description made from the bible is co - relate with the observation stated by the cosmologists.

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It comes from Arabic.It is the second brightest star in Orion and that is what Betelgeuse means.

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Betelgeuse is the second brightest star in the constellation Orion.

What is Orion's history?

According to Encyclopedia Britannica, Orion one of the brightest constellations in our sky, has been known to since early man. The Sumerians (4000-2000 BC) associated Orion with their king Gilgamesh. The ancient Egyptians associated Orion with their god Osiris and the ancient Greeks gave the constellation the name, Orion. In Greek mythology, Orion was a handsome hunter, so the constellation is called "Orion, the Hunter." The second century astronomer, Ptolemy, first cataloged information about Orion in his compilation of astronomical knowledge. There are many sources of information about Orion. Check with your local library for more resources and information about Orion. It is visible in the night sky throughout the world and it is beautiful!

When does Orion coming out?

Orion is somewhere in the sky at some time of night during roughly 9 months of the year. The best month to see it depends on what time you want to go out and look at it. If you're like most people who do their gazing between dinner and bed-time, then the best time to see Orion is in the Winter and early Spring.

How many constlettions does the Orion have?

One.Orion doesn't "have constellations". Orion is a constellation.

What is the meaning of the word Orion?


Why is orion's belt called orion's belt?

Because it looks like the belt of the hunter Orion, as depicted in the stars of the constellation Orion.

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