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In Asia and South Korea mostly because of the killing of most practices and the war

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Q: Where is Buddism practiced the most?
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Where is Buddism practiced in the world?

With the cosmopolitan nature of the world today it is likely that Buddhism is practiced almost everywhere. The main bloc of adherents continues to be in Asia.

Where is buddism found?

Although often seen as an Asian religion, Buddhism is practiced almost everywhere in the world

What religoin is practiced in china?

It is hard to say as the majority of people practice Buddhism although there are a few exceptions to that as some may choose to practice Christianity or another religion. However, I think the most practiced religions are firstly Buddhism and then Christianity.

What are some of the most practiced religions?

Hinduism-by Indians practiced by nepalese,Indians,sri lankans,Japanese,taiwanese,thai,lao,vietnamese,africans,Chinese,and some in Europe buddism-by buddha(born in lumbini,India) practiced by Chinese,Japanese,taiwanese,thai,lao,vietnamese,some Indians and nepalese

What was the dominant religion of samuais?

They practiced Zen buddism, but also incorporated Shinto beliefs (as is still the case for many Japanese)

Where is buddism most commonly practice?


What is the main religion in China today?

There is more than one religion practiced in China, although Buddhism is practiced most often. Other religions practiced are Taoism, Christianity, and Confucianism.

What is the most common religion in Hong Kong?


What two religions that started in India affected other cultures today?

Hinduism and buddism

What is Apache Indians religion?

well apache religion is really close to Hindu and buddism, and in the mythological times that's what they practiced, so i would assume that they practice it still.

What religon is found in China?

buddism and daoism andconfucianism are the most common in china

Religon in Korea?

korea's most common is buddism budda or the enlightened one.