

Best Answer

Sparta, Mississippi, is in Chickasaw County, in northern Mississippi, about 40 miles SSW of Tupelo.

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Q: Where is spartan Mississippi?
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the SPARTAN-II program

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The spartan 2 came first. The spartan 3 came after the spartan 2s. The spartan 3s technically never were introduced in the game, just in books. Also, only one spartan 3 survived Onyx.

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Spartan - Lacedaemonius

Are there more Spartans than master chief still alive?

Yes, there are heaps, but you will only hear about them in the books. Spartan-006: Jai Spartan-058: Linda Spartan-062: Maria Spartan-084: Fhajad Spartan-087: Kelly Spartan-104: Frederick Spartan-111: Adriana Spartan-117: John (Master Chief)

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Mike is a Spartan Commando (aka Spartan III) who is MIA with SPARTAN-168. He is trapped under a debris of rock in a camp.

What is the the Greek term for plain and simple?

spartan....... Adjective spartan (comparativemore spartan, superlative most spartan) Positivespartan Comparativemore spartan Superlativemost spartan # austere, frugal or characterized by self-denial #: I went on the retreat to the monastery thinking I would be sleeping in a spartan cell to discover a simple, but comfortable bedroom. # resolute in the face of danger or adversity #: The spartan legionnaries vowed to fight to the death. # lacking in decoration and luxury #: After ten years as a fashion designer in the rough-and-tumble Garment District, Eloise left New York for the spartan but serene life of a farmer's wife. Retrieved from ""

What did spartan society expect of spartan women?

By the fault

Who would win a Persian or spartan?

spartan, obviously

Who built spartan helmets?

Tradesmen in the Spartan state.

What is master chiefs spartan number?

Spartan #117

What education system was better athenian or spartan and why?
