

Where is new crust being created at?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Where is new crust being created at?
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Where new crust is being formed?

New oceanic crust is continually being created at the Mid-Ocean ridges.

Where is new ocean crust formed?

New oceanic crust is continually being created at the Mid-Ocean ridges.

Does seafloor spreading cause the earth's crust to expand?

New oceanic crust is being created at seafloor spreading zones, and crust is alternately being subducted and destroyed at subduction zones.

Where is new crust being created?

In oceanic ridges and continental rift zones.

Is crust being destroyed or created?

near ocean trenches.

Places where new seafloor is being created?

New oceanic crust is being created at the mid-ocean ridges.

Is new crust created at a convergent boundary?

No. New crust is created along a divergent boundary. Crust is destroyed at a convergent boundary.

Where is new crust being generated?

New crust is being generated at divergent boundaries of separating plates.

How is new crust continually being formed?

new crust is always being formed by magma erupting from volcanoes and then cooling into rock making new crust. -Jacob Halon

What is the four factors that effect plate movement?

The four factors that effect plate movement are when new crust is created, crust being destroyed, the crust sliding horizontally or when plates merge together.

Where are the youngest portion of Earth's crust found?

The youngest parts of the Earth's crust are found in the oceanic crust. This crust is continuously being created at the mid-oceanic ridges.

How do Mid-Atlantic Ridge support the theory of plate tectonics?

It is an area where new crust is constantly being created.