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High-side input(small line) of the Evaporator core. It will be just inside the evap core neck, when the line is disconnected.

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Q: Where is the orifice tube located on 1995 windstar?
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Where is the Orifice Tube located on a 2003 Pontiac GrandAm?

The orifice tube is located in the line at the condenser discharge connection.

Where is the orifice tube on 95 Nissan pickup?

1995 nissan pickup has a expansion valve rather than a orfice tube and is located on the evap.

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The orifice tube is located between the engine and the fire wall. The windshield wiper cowling has to be removed to gain access to the orifice tube.

Where is the orifice tube located on a 2003 Ford Windstar with a 3.8 liter engine?

Follow the high-side line from the charge port to the firewall. The line breaks with a screw fitting. The orifice tube is inside the line where that fitting comes apart. It's virtually impossible to get to with the engine in the car.

Where is the orifice tube located on 1987 Dodge Dakota?

A 1987 Dakota uses an expansion valve, not an orifice tube.A 1987 Dakota uses an expansion valve, not an orifice tube.

Where is the orifice tube located in a 1995 Ford tauras?

On a 1996 Taurus, it's the smaller line located above the passenger fenderwell right below the low pressure line (hidden by the larger line). It has a foam wrap around the junction (2 nuts) that can be separated and the orifice tube removed.

Where is the orifice tube located on a 1992 Beretta GT 6-cyclinder engine?

What orifice tube? An orifice tube is part of the AC system pull off the lines going into the accumulator. You'll see it. DoratheExplorer

Where is the Orifice tube located on a 1994 Honda accord ex?

There is no orifice tube on that car. It uses an expansion valve located in the evaporator case under the dash on the passenger side.

Where is the orifice tube located on a 1995 cutlass ciera?

its located on the lower left side of the condenser ,, drivers side. its in the tube with the brass connecter nut ,... if you seperate the connector you can look up into the top tube and pull it out with needle nose pliers.... yes

Where is the orifice tube for 1977 corvette located?

It is in the tube going into the evaporator. You must disconnect the tube from the accumulator.

Where is the orifice tube located on 1997 ford expedition?

It is located in the liquid line or tube between the condenser and evaporator.