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Waterfalls are usually formed from lakes, rivers or big bodies of water. Why/How- the water that has been there for a while erodes away at the rock until it has a passage so it can separate. (unless they are man-made)

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14y ago

A waterfall is simply a break in the geography. The water reaches a place where there is no more land in same horizontal plane. This can also be caused by earthquake or other things that cause land movement.

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Q: How did waterfall form?
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Is waterfall a compound noun?

Yes, the noun 'waterfall' is a compound noun, a word made of two or more individual words that merge to form a noun with a meaning of its own ('butter' and 'fly').

How long does it take for a waterfall to form?

waterfalls mainly occor on cliff edges, a gorge has to be formed in the cliff before the waterfall can be former

Water flowing over a diff?

Water flowing over a cliff will form a waterfall.

Is could you hear the nosie of the waterfall a sentence or fragment?

"Could you hear the noise of the waterfall" is a complete sentence, because it contains an active form of a verb ("could hear") and a subject ("you").

What is it when a river falls off steeply?

a waterfall.

Is Victoria falls the widest waterfall in Africa?

The Falls form the largest sheet of falling water in the world

What does the name Jadelyn mean?

It is a form of the two names Jade and Lynn, meaning "jade" or "jade waterfall."

Do all waterfalls form the same way?

Yes and no. They all form as a result of a sudden drop in height in a waterway's bedrock, so that's your yes. The 'no' is the result of the many different forms a waterfall can take, from 'just beyond a cataract' to giant waterfalls like Niagara and from 'on land' to 'underwater'. Just to mention a few forms: the classical waterfall is called a ledge waterfall if the water still retains some contact with the river's bedrock, and a plunge waterfall if it doesn't. The waterfall where water descends over a number of 'steps' is called a cascade. All in all there are some ten species of waterfall (and a number of subspecies) some of them forming in glaciers or even completely underwater. The world's highest waterfall is indeed totally underwater: the Denmark Straits waterfall near Greenland with a drop of 11,500 feet or nearly 4,000 meters.

Which waterfall has a greater volume of water the casscading waterfall or the catlact waterfall?


How do do you get past mt corinet when there is a waterfall in it?

you have to get the HM waterfall to go over the waterfall

Where do you use waterfall in Pokemon HeartGold?

you use waterfall at the Pokemon waterfall or the battlefield.

What occurs when a river falls steeply?

a waterfall