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Netherlands - Their army is unionised.

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Q: Which Soldiers of what nation do not salute officers?
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Do officers of equal rank salute each other?

Yes. It is customary for junior officers to salute more senior officers. They also salute officers wearing command insignia and everyone, officer or enlisted salute anyone wearing the medal of honor.

What are example of Army customs?

never turn and walk away to avoid giving a hand salute One important army custom is the salute. There are strict rules for who must or must not salute. Soldiers must salute senior officers unless their hands are occupied in work that would make a salute impossible. If a soldier is imprisoned, he loses the right to salute. Another custom is the playing of the Army Song at various parades and ceremonies.

Do you salute chief warrant officers?

It depends which armed forces you are a member of.Generally you do not salute warrant officers. Salutes are reserved for commissioned officers.A commission is only granted by the head of state. Such commissioned officers grant warrants, hence the name.Countries have different rules regarding warrants and warrant officers. Some you salute, depending on rank and other criteria.


never turn and walk away to avoid giving a hand salute One important army custom is the salute. There are strict rules for who must or must not salute. Soldiers must salute senior officers unless their hands are occupied in work that would make a salute impossible. If a soldier is imprisoned, he loses the right to salute. Another custom is the playing of the Army Song at various parades and ceremonies.

What is the responsibility iof your lim swee say?

Of leading our soldiers in the defence of our nation take on of serving our Nation as commissioned officers of the Singapore Armed Forces.

What are some example of army customs?

never turn and walk away to avoid giving a hand salute One important army custom is the salute. There are strict rules for who must or must not salute. Soldiers must salute senior officers unless their hands are occupied in work that would make a salute impossible. If a soldier is imprisoned, he loses the right to salute. Another custom is the playing of the Army Song at various parades and ceremonies.

Do you salute foreign warrant officer warrant officers?


Do you salute officers when you under an overhang?

Yes. You're still outdoors, and still required to render a salute.

Why is it important to salute your flag?

People salute flags to express loyalty to their nation.

Do enlisted soldiers have more rank then a cadet?

Army Cadets and Navy Midshipmen are considered officers for observance of rank, hence all enlisted ranks are required to salute Cadets and Midshipmen.

Do you have to salute the officers of allied militaries?

Yes, as long as you are both in uniform.

Who gets saluted in the armed forces?

Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers are saluted by all enlisted personnel. Commissioned Officers of subordinate rank are required to salute other Commissioned Officers of higher rank. All military personnel are required to salute recipients of the medal of honor regardless of rank.