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There is more than one kind, but a very famous and delicious Italian mozzarella is Mozzarella Di Bufala, which is made from water buffalo milk. It has a tangy, rich flavour that is more interesting than regular cow's milk mozza, and it's very soft and melts almost liquid. I think this is the mozza you refer to.

However, many Italian cheeses are also made from good old cow's milk, including many mozzarellas.

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Q: Which animal's milk is used to make authentic italian mozzarella cheese?
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What animal milk is used to make authentic Italian mozzarella cheese?

The Water Buffalo's milk is used to make authentic Italian Mozzarella cheese.

Is mozzarella cheese used in authentic Mexican food?

No. that would be Oaxaca cheese which is similar to Mozzarella.

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No. Mozzarella is an Italian cheese.

What animals milk used to make authentic Italian mozzarella cheese?

No animals produce cheese. Some animals produce milk which can be turned into cheese, like goats, buffalo, sheep, cows, donkeys, camels, reindeer, certain horses, water buffalo, and yaks, but no animals produce cheese. Also, don't try to milk your cat or something stupid like that. It won't work. And please don't make human cheese.

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"Mozzarella" is an Italian loan word in English because of its origins in Italy as a type of "little, cut" cheese.

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This is an Italian cheese made from domesticated Water Buffalo milk

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It is based around the Italian word Scamozza which means "without shirt" as the cheese has no rind.

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Burrata is a fresh Italian cheese, made from mozzarella and cream. The outer shell is solid mozzarella while the inside contains both mozzarella and cream.

Where is mozzerella cheese from?

Mozzerella is an Italian cheese, sometimes made from buffalo milk, in which case it is named "mozzarella di buffola".

What kind of milk is used to make mozzarella cheese?

Traditional Southern Italian mozzarella is made from buffalo milk. However, most mozzarella cheese made in the US is made with cow's milk (and even in Italy, the legal definition of mozzarella does not specify the kind of milk).

Does frozen mozzarella cheese spoil?

Every cheese can spoil.

What type of cheeses are in an Italian 4 cheese sauce?

Official: gorgonzola, fontina, mozzarella and grana padano cheeses