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The Brachial artery on the inside of the elbow is most commonly used because it can be accessed easily and compressed with a cuff. However it does depend on what method you are using.

With use of sphygmomanometer (inflated cuff compresses artery) you can use the brachial or the radial (at the wrist - the same as commonly used for taking the pulse). This gives less reliable results. (Some monitors even use the digital arteries in the finger).

Invasive methods in which the pressure is measured directly by passing a sensor into directly the artery are often used during surgical or invasive procedures. In such cases larger deeper seated arteries are used (eg Subclavian - behind the collarbone or femoral - in the groin) as well as the brachial or radial arteries.

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Brachial is the most common but if the patient is putting up a fight you could use the carotid.

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The Brachial artery in the arm is most commonly used to measure BP.

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temporal artery

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Q: What is The most common artery that is used to measure a pulse?
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What is radial pulse?

The radial pulse is located in the wrist at the end of the radial artery. It is the most common place for healthcare professionals to take a patient's pulse.

What type of blood vessel makes us feel the pulse?

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An exact number? I'm not sure. But this is what I DO know:Anywhere there's an artery. Most common places: in the neck (carotid pulse), along the jaw, on the arm (just before the palm-radial pulse), in the thumb, at the temple...

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The 10 pulse points or pressure points:: 1. The external maxillary 2. The superficial temporal 3. The carotid 4. The brachial 5. The ulnar 6. The radial 7. The femoral 8. The popliteal 9. The posterior tibial 10. The dorsalis pedis Most commonly used is #6. But EMT's will use #3 in an emergency.

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The left subclavian artery doesn't feed the carotid (neck pulse) so your answer would be the wrist.

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Caratoid artery (neck). Brachial artery (inner bicep). Radial artery (wrist). Femoral artery (inside of thigh). Pedial artery (foot)

Where is the most common site for taking a pulse?

The most common place for someone to take a pulse is located in the wrist where the radial artery is located. This can be found slightly towards the middle of the wrist in between the radius and several tendons. Another common place is the carotid artery in the neck.

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A pulse oximeter is used to measure the oxygen content of your blood. Most modern day pulse oximeters fit over the tip of your finger and measure the oxygen saturation indirectly.

Where is the radial artery?

In the forearm, and it passes through what is referred to as the carpal tunnel formed by the transverse carpal ligament between the hamate hook and the trapezium carpal bones.Good thing you're not a doctor... it's on the THUMB-SIDE OF THE WRIST... NOT THE FOREARM.

Name the three primary pulse points and state their locations on the body?

- temporal pulse, found in your temple. - radial pulse, found in end of thumb. - carotid pulse, found in neck, side of windpipe. - femoral pulse, found in the groin. hope it helped :)