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Q: Which character has to undergo a journey or series of journeys in odyssey?
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Which character has to undergo a journey or series of journeys Perceval Theseus or The Lute Player?

All of the above

What is the meaning of the land of the dead in The Odyssey?

The land of the dead was where the souls of the dead go after they die. It could represent a purgatory or test that one had to undergo before which they could finish their journey.

Which character has to undergo a testto prove he is a heroic man?

Perceval and theseus

How Is The Journey of Gilgamesh an Epic?

It is an epic journey full of adventures and misadventures; it has 2 heroes (it should have at least one); the heroes undergo a vital psychophysical transformation.

What procedure does Humphrey Bogart's character in Dark Passage undergo?

Plastic Surgery

What is the opposite of a dynamic character?

flat or static characters do not undergo change and are also minor characters flat or static characters do not undergo change and are also minor characters

Who is the static character in last shot?

The static character in "The Last Shot" is the character who remains unchanged throughout the story. This type of character typically does not undergo significant growth or development in their personality, beliefs, or motivations.

In the golden goose who are the round characters?

In "The Golden Goose," the round characters are the characters who undergo significant development and change throughout the story. These include the protagonist of the story and his companions who accompany him on his journey, such as the knight and the princess. They are portrayed with complex personalities and evolve as the narrative progresses.

How are you called if your character remains unchangeable?

If a character remains unchangeable, they are typically referred to as a static character. Static characters do not undergo internal development or change throughout the course of a story.

Which type of character remains essentially unchanged throughout the action of a stor?

A static character remains essentially unchanged throughout the action of a story. They typically do not undergo significant development or transformation.

A character who is depicted realistically and has his or her own personality and history in a story is what type of character?

That type of character is a round character. Round characters are complex and multi-dimensional, with their own unique traits, motivations, and backstory. They often undergo development or change throughout the story.

Is martin avdeitch a dynamic or static character?

Martin Avdeitch is a dynamic character because he undergo an important change in the course of the story through his realization at the end of the story that God is always there for him. Moreover, I conclude that Martin Avdeitch is a dynamic character because if he's a static character in the story he does not undergo important change in the course of the story, remaining essentially the same at the end as he was at the beginning. ~> see yah at facebook 4 some comments.. tnx!