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Vestibulocochlear (CN 8). Damage to this nerve can cause tinnitus (deafness).

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Q: Which nerve is used for hearing?
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What cranial nerve carries hearing impulses to the brain?

the "vestibulocochlear" nerve is used for hearing. the hair cells of the cochlea and vestibular are how the nerve receives the information. The nerve is (VIII) out of the 12 cranial nerves.

Cranial nerve for sense of hearing?

The vestibulocochlear cranial nerve controls hearing.

WHAT nerve aids in hearing?

vestibulocochlear nerve

The nerve that contains the sensory fibers are involved in hearing?

There are two nerves in the ear. They are the cochlear nerve and the vestibulocochlear nerve. These nerves contain the nerve fibers that arr involved in hearing.

Which cranial nerve controls both body balance and hearing?

I believe that the vestibulocochlear nerve controls balance and hearing.

What Cranial nerve is equilibrium and hearing?

The cranial nerve responsible for hearing and equilibrium is vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII). It originates from between the pons and medulla.

Were does hearing take place?

the auditory nerve

What cranial nerve would involve tightrope walking and listening to music?

The Vestibulocochlear nerve is associated with balance and hearing. Vestibulo-balance, cochlear-hearing.

Which cranial nerve controls hearing and body balance?

8th cranial nerve - vestibulocochlear

Which cranial nerve transmits hearing and equilibrium information to the brain?

vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII)

What is vestibular nerve?

The surgeon enters the internal canal of the ear and separates the nerve bundles governing hearing from the nerve bundles that govern the sense of balance, in order to control the patient's vertigo without sacrificing hearing

Which sensation does the vestibulocochlear nerve carry?

hearing and equilibrium