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Nirvana is a state of being that is free from suffering. That doesn't mean that you become a stone, impervious to all emotions. it means that you live life fully awake and not tormented by your desires and perceptions.

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12y ago
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11y ago
  • Since all language comes from Becoming and nirvana is Being, it is impossible to use language to describe nirvana. One way that is helpful, though, is to think of nirvana as alert, awake consciousness without thought. Usually, there is a constant stream of thought, and nirvana may be understood as freedom from having to think (conceptualize).
  • The Buddha described nirvāna as the perfect peace of the state of mind that is free from craving, anger, and other afflicting states.
  • I practice Nichiren Buddhism and Nirvana is the state of rapture. In Nichiren Buddhism the ultimate goal would be enlightenment.
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10y ago

Nirvana (nibbana), is the final cessation of suffering. It is the end of all the poisons of mind, and the end of the cycle of birth and death.

The term literally means "blown out" (like a candle).

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11y ago

Enlightenment is the goal of Buddhists. With enlightenment comes Nirvana, the peace of mind that occurs when greed, anger, jealousy, and delusion have been extinguished.

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11y ago

the eternal bliss the soul experiences when it escapes from the cycle of death and rebirth.

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12y ago

a point where your soul feels no pain and never need to reincarante to man to endure man's suffering on earth.

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10y ago

Nirvana is best described as a goal of Buddhists in the teachings of the Buddha.

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15y ago

see link "What is Nirvana."

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To what extent does Nirvana provide Buddhists with an appealing and realistic goal?


What is a ultimate goal?

Depending on the school of Buddhism the goal of achieving Nirvana is somewhat different, Thedavara Buddhism see transitioning to Nirvana as happening after enlightenment (and death). Mahayana Buddhists feels the enlightened will refuse to go to Nirvana until all sentient beings are enlightened and thus return to the cycle of death and rebirth..

How does nirvana helps the Buddhists?

Nirvana is not a active being and does not "help" a Buddhist as the Christians "god" or "Jesus" is supposed to help them. Nirvana is a condition of aware selflessness that is a destination condition after enlightenment. The only help is that an awareness of Nirvana would be a sense of goal towards which a Buddhist might direct his ambitions.

How are Buddhists supposed to find the way to truth?

The goal of Buddhism is nibbana (nirvana), the cessation of suffering. Truth is never specifically defined as the goal. Truthful speech, however, is defined as an essential part of the way to the goal.

What is the ultimate goal for a Buddhists?

Bhuddists believe that the state of nirvana (which means "cessation" or "extinction"). Nirvana represents the extinction of craving and ignorance - and therefore suffering. Nirvana is considered the ultimate state of a Bhuddist as it also means an end to the cycle of rebirth.

What do Buddhists value?

The goal of Buddhism is to attain enlightenment and thus the opportunity to be freed from pains with the potential, if the choose, to enter Nirvana.

What religion is associated with Nirvana?

Nirvana is the ultimate "state" of extinguishing of all desires and cravings in Buddhism. But, Buddhism is more a philosophy of life than a religion. Buddhists do not believe in "God" and "soul/spirit". Nirvana is the absolute "truth" which is non-conceptual and therefore ineffable. " In contrast to all other monotheistic religions, the ultimate aim of an Buddhist monk or practising Buddhist is to break the infinite cycle of deaths and rebirths (SAMSARA), by attaining Nirvana or cessation of desire.

What is the cycle of reincarnation?

From the Awareness [conscious mind] of an unborn baby to eventual perpertual life.

What was Buddhism final goal?

The final goal of Buddhism is to reach Nirvana.

Which religion's goal is to reach nirvana?


What is the ulimate religious goal of a Buddhist?

The ultimate goal of a Buddhist is the attainment of nirvana. Nirvana is a state of consciousness where things such as greed, hatred, and the obsession of "me and mine" do not exist.

What best describes the goal of a heading?

it can be deride as u..ha!!