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in the science text book, there are three cup of water. the second cup one act us a control, because they are balance.

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Q: Which dialysis tube acted as a control?
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If the cut off from tube dialysis will be larger than the insulin shape, insulin cant pass through it

What materials used in dialysis tubes?

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it will shrink i just did this in my bio class =]

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Why is dialysis tubing not submerged in pure water?

The tubing is permeable; itallows water to pass through the tube wall.

How does a person get Kidney dialysis if their vains are too small?

Veins. You find bigger veins. There are very large veins in the body and so a doctor will insert a dialysis tube farther into the body where the veins are larger.

Why don't red blood cells pass through the dialysis tube?

The reason why red blood cells don't pass through the dialysis tube is because red blood cells are too large to fit through the pores in the membranes but urea and salt flow through membranes into the sterile solution and are removed.

Why does glucose diffuse through dialysis tubing into distilled water?

Glucose diffuses through dialysis tubing into the distilled water as, glucose molecules are small, it could fit through the pores of the dialysis tube. It is also because glucose is hydrophillic, (polar compound), which will dissolve in water as it is a polar compound as well.

What treatment is used for people who have kidneys that no longer can filter waste from the blood?

Dialysis is.

What is the function of the eustachin tube?

the function of eustachin tube is to control the air pressure

Why is sodium bicarb given to dialysis patients?

Bicarbonate is a buffer - it adjusts acidity. Bicarbonate is in the blood naturally. The body uses it to control it's acidity. Bicarbonate is used in dialysis to maintain the proper acid balance in the body.