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Q: Which fish keeps eggs in the mouth?
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The fish which keeps its eggs safe in its mouth till they are ready to hatch is?


Where slik mouth keeps eggs?

Inside their Abdomen and after giving eggs they keep eggs on Leafs.

Which fish keeps its egg in its mouth until they are hatched?

Arowanas are one.

How do tilapia fish care for their young?

it eats their young/it keeps in their mouth

What male fish holds eggs in its mouth?

Bettas and goldfish

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Does fish repreduce sexually?

no ... when fish are borned thay has a bag that is full of eggs and when it grows another fish comes and kiss in the mouth and breakes the bag ,the eggs come out and grow .

How will the arowana fish hatch eggs?

Arowanas are mouth breeders, that is, the male will carry the fertilized eggs in his mouth and protect the young once they hatch. See the link below for a good overview of this fish's reproductive habits.

What animal dad hatches eggs in mouth?

Catfish : a father sea catfish keeps the eggs of his young in his mouth until they are ready to hatch . Frog : the male Darwin frog hatches his eggs in a pouch in his mouth .

What Feisty Thai fish that blows sticky bubbles to make a nest then puts the eggs in its mouth and blows them in the nest?

fighting fish

What is the name of the fish that puts its eggs in its mouth?

There are several, Chichlids, Apogonidae, Ariidae, Jawfishes, Osteoglossids and Gourami

How do stone fish give birth?

she goes up to the male stone fish who then starts to bite the tail of the female then the females baby eggs come out of the mouth