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the adrenal glands

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The adrenal glands

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Q: Which glands produce hormones that increase metabolic activity and increase blood levels of glucose?
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What glands produce hormones that increase metabolic activity and increase blood level of glucose?

the adrenal glands

These two hormones both stimulate glycogenolysis and increase glucose levels in the blood?

the hormones that stimulate glycogenolysis and increase glucose levels in the blood are? answer: glucagon and adrenaline hormones

Which hormones cause an increase in blood sugar by converting a carbohydrate stored in the liver into glucose?


What hormones are hypoglycemic?

Insulin is the only hormone, which acts as hypoglycemic hormone. All other hormones increase the glucose level to some extent.

What does the secretion of stress hormones do?

Stress hormones induce following changes:Mobilize glucose from storage sites to working muscles.Shut down metabolic processes like digestion.Increase heart and breathing rate.Increase blood pressure.

When you are under physical stress what hormones is released quickly to stimulate an increase in blood glucose concentration?


What is the stimulus that causes blood glucose levels to increase?

Many things can cause blood glucose levels to increase. The most common is carbohydrates Others include hormones, such as adrenaline.

Is growth hormone glucose sparing?

No, growth hormone is not glucose sparing. Growth hormone stimulates the breakdown of stored glycogen (a form of glucose) in the liver, leading to an increase in blood glucose levels. This increase in blood glucose helps to provide energy for growth and other metabolic processes.

What mineral's main role is to increase the effectiveness of insulin in cells?

Chromium is important in carbohydrate metabolism. Chromium stimulates the activity of enzymes involved in the metabolism of glucose for energy and appears to increase the effectiveness of insulin and its ability to handle glucose, preventing hypoglycemia or Diabetes.

What metabolic pathway generates 36 ATP from a single glucose molecule?

Glucose metabolism

Small amounts of glucose taken during prolonged physical activity can increase the amount of energy available?


Small amounts of glucose (sugar) taken during prolonged physical activity can increase the amount of energy available.?
