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Reptiles :)

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Q: Which group of animals are cold-bloodedbreathe with lungs have scalesand usually lay eggs?
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What animals are usually the leader of the group?

Well, it is said that lions are the king of the jungle.

Can you say herd for a group of lions?

No, a group of lions is called a pride. Herds are usually groups of grazing animals such as zebras or antelope.

Are foxes social animals or do they usually hunt alone?

Foxes are very social animals and will usually stay with their parents even into adulthood. They can be found both hunting alone or in a group.

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A family is a group of people who are usually related to one another biologically. It can also refer to a group of things that are similar in some other way such as a group of animals, or a group of languages.

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A tribe is a group of families that have a leader and work in a community. They usually have a herd of animals such as cattle or goat.

What animals can be in a flock?

The sheep is the answer. As it is said a flock of sheep.

What group of animals is called a knot?

Groups of Frogs, Toads and Sand Pipers, are known as a knot.

What is the group in which diploblastic animals found?

Diploblastic animals usually develop from the blastula. They were initially grouped in the phylum Coelenterate. They were then removed and grouped in a different phyla when the differences were discovered.

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Porifera is a group of animals that have very simple body plans. They are usually not symmetrical and live in water. They include sponges.

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Cubazoa are a group of cnidarians. Cnidarians are animals that have radial symmetry and are usually venomous or poisonous.

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sanctuary is a place, usually a church or cathedral that gives refuge to people who are in danger of their lives.

What is a group of snakes?

A group of snakes is called a nest