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this depends on your definition of abundant. it could be from hydrogen to chlorine!it just depends what your talking about. My favorite is oxygen. :3

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Q: Which group of elements seem to be most abunant on the periodic table?
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What is a group of elements in the periodic table?

A group is a column in the periodic table of elements.

Why there is a group of elements in periodic table?

There is a group of elements in the periodic table as the elements with same properties are clubbed together.

Is a group of elements in the periodic table known as a family of elements?

Yes it is a group is a family remember that when dealing with the periodic table.

Where are the base forming elements located in the periodic table?

On the left of the periodic table, especially group 1 and group 2 elements.

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Group 1 elements in the periodic table is known as alkali. They are basic in nature.

Group a elements on the periodic table?

2 elements

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Gallium is in group 13 of the periodic table. The other elements in this group are Boron, Aluminum, Indium, and Thallium.

Which group is based on elements on the periodic table?

All groups in the periodic table contain chemical elements.

Where is cation on the periodic table?

Periodic table consists of elements not cations. However group 1 and group 2 elements (left side of the periodic table) are elements which will form cations easily.

What group is co3 in the periodic table?

CO3 is not placed in periodic table. Only elements are arranged in periodic table.

What is a groups?

group is the amount of elements in a pair or Periodic Table.

In group 2 on the periodic table are they positive ions when they bond with other elements?

Elements from the group 2 of the periodic table form cations.