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Q: Which human rights have been violated in Burma?
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What to do if rights been violated?

Report to court

Is using condoms a violation of human rights?

um no, because the person who it would be violating hasn't been made yet, so hasn't been violated?

What is the most famous massacre in Burma?

In Burma, massacre of Muslims is being done ruthlessly and the UN, governments of the called free world and human rights organizations are silent.It has been reported that over 40,000 Muslims have been massacred in Myanmar, Burma since June 28th 2012 . Refer to links below.

In which countries rights have been violated?

The so-called Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is not a codifed, universally recognized, legally enforceable document therefore no one, and no nation, is technically "violating" anything.

Has any of the amendments in the bill of rights been violated?

Yes. And when that happens, courts take a dim view of it, usually in favor of a defendant whose rights have been violated, even to the point of dismissing charges.

What does amnesty international do?

they conduct research and generate action to prevent and end grave abuses of human right and to demand justice for those whose rights have been violated.

What was the ethical dilema that the cardiac surgeon could have been faced with if John Q took his own life?

~ The human rights that have been violated include the right to life ., The reason why this human right was violated in this movie is because John Q's son was in dire need of a heart transplant in order to continue living but was rejected because they did not have the money to afford it.

What amendment did the supreme court say it violated?

Nearly EVERY amendment in the Bill of Rights has been held by the Supreme Court to have been violated at one point or another, except the Third.

What did the UN commission conclude about the events in Darfur?

That human rights had been violated, but that the conflict was not genocide

What document did the colonists issue in 1776 when they felt their rights as enlishmen had been violated?

The declaration of independence

What document did the colonists issue in1776 when they felt their rights as englishmen have been violated?

declaration of independence

The reason for the replacement of the human right commission with human right council?

I feel the the human rights commission has violated my rights to close out my cases at a 50/50 without talking to my side of witness. Then a year later sponsored by the company that discriminated against me and stolen money from. South Seattle Auto Action 2001 to 2002. The Human Right Commission Took Bribes and should have been replaced Human Rights Council in my opinion.