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They are all very good for us but if I was going to choose just one I'd choose chlorella, which I do. It is very mild unlike wheat grass juice. Don't buy those expensive Sun Chlorella prepackaged dosages. I buy it by the kilo from and consume 7-14 grams a day (one - two heaping small utensil spoonfulls/day) in 1/2 - 1 cup of water or juice. The biggest difference is that unlike wheat grass and spirurlina, chlorella binds with heavy metals, such as Mercury from fish or fillings or air pollution and expels them from the body. It doesn't remove your fillings, but they are constantly emitting a small amount of mercury gas that gets into our bodies. That is the mercury from fillings that chlorella binds with and removes via our bowels.

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Q: Which is better wheat grass spirulina or chlorella?
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Can wheat grass yield a second crop?

Yes, wheat grass can yield a second crop but it will not be as nutritionally rich as the first harvest. It is better to just harvest once, cut at the base, and re-plant new seed. I found a good page with a lot of facts and questions at wheat